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Business Process and Consulting Automation

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Let's Talk

Unlock efficiency with cutting-edge automated business consulting

CEO of One Team

Guy Hawkins

CEO, One Team

With over two decades of expertise, Shrage Smilowitz and the One Team Software family specialize in a unique fusion of business consulting and automation

Our mission is to empower you with clarity in your direction, focus and forward momentum, provide technical experise, deliver cutting-edge automation solutions, and, as always, support startups in their software development endeavors – from ad-hoc programming to the establishment of robust development teams and streamlined processes. In summary, we are trusted partners for CEOs, dedicated to their success Connect with us, and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve, often in just a single session.

About Us

Discover how we can serve as your personal business guide to:



Launch your business effectively.



Gain clear direction and purpose.



Get the software that meets your process



Make informed and strategic choices



Streamline your operations



Create software & setup development teams

Get Started


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“Shrage is one of the most astute business people I've ever come across. While we are both Hasidic Jews, we met via the internet (shhh) from an introduction from a third party who is very far from any affiliation with Judaism at all. This man is cutting edge smart, very understanding of complicated concepts, and someone who turn an idea into a profitable company... over and over!”

Issamar Ginzberg

CEO, Fuss Brands Corporation

“Shrage is one of the most astute business people I've ever come across. While we are both Hasidic Jews, we met via the internet (shhh) from an introduction from a third party who is very far from any affiliation with Judaism at all. This man is cutting edge smart, very understanding of complicated concepts, and someone who turn an idea into a profitable company... over and over!”

Issamar Ginzberg

CEO, Fuss Brands Corporation

“Shrage is one of the most astute business people I've ever come across. While we are both Hasidic Jews, we met via the internet (shhh) from an introduction from a third party who is very far from any affiliation with Judaism at all. This man is cutting edge smart, very understanding of complicated concepts, and someone who turn an idea into a profitable company... over and over!”

Issamar Ginzberg

CEO, Fuss Brands Corporation

“Shrage is one of the most astute business people I've ever come across. While we are both Hasidic Jews, we met via the internet (shhh) from an introduction from a third party who is very far from any affiliation with Judaism at all. This man is cutting edge smart, very understanding of complicated concepts, and someone who turn an idea into a profitable company... over and over!”

Issamar Ginzberg

CEO, Fuss Brands Corporation

“Shrage is one of the most astute business people I've ever come across. While we are both Hasidic Jews, we met via the internet (shhh) from an introduction from a third party who is very far from any affiliation with Judaism at all. This man is cutting edge smart, very understanding of complicated concepts, and someone who turn an idea into a profitable company... over and over!”

Issamar Ginzberg

CEO, Fuss Brands Corporation

“Shrage is one of the most astute business people I've ever come across. While we are both Hasidic Jews, we met via the internet (shhh) from an introduction from a third party who is very far from any affiliation with Judaism at all. This man is cutting edge smart, very understanding of complicated concepts, and someone who turn an idea into a profitable company... over and over!”

Issamar Ginzberg

CEO, Fuss Brands Corporation

transform your business today

We are ready to move forward when you are!

Reach out today to schedule a consultation with Shrage Smilowitz and discuss your goals.

Let's Talk